XFEM4U 2025.1
New features XFEM4U 2025

Another new version of XFEM4U is available. XFEM4U 2025.1
A brief overview of the new functionality:
✔ Material Editor. Create your own material qualities for concrete, rebar, wood and steel!
Watch the demonstration here!
✔ Directcommands. Launch XFEM4U and XFrame2D directly from Excel or Python with a parametric structure.
✔ Navigation Cube for easy navigation in 3D.
✔ Reporting improvements. Increased understanding of dimensional formulas.
✔ Various improvements in the table of load cases and load combinations.
✔ New steel profiles added. N.P. profile and B profile. Added additional C-profiles.
✔ Added error handler.
✔ Loads and plates can be copied more easily.
✔ Again many improvements in the mesher!
✔ Added several reinforcement diameters.
See the release notes for all new functionality.